Monday, June 27, 2016

 Miss Heart of Utah 2016

*Please see earlier post for checklist with Paperwork due August 31, 2016
Pageant Date: September 17, 2016

Eligibility Requirements:

To compete in The Miss Heart of Utah Pageant, you must:

  • Be a woman between the ages of 17 and 24.
  • Be a United States citizen.
  • Be a single woman who has never been married or pregnant.
  • Meet the residency requirements for competing in a certain town or state. Miss Heart of Utah is unique you must have been raised in, attend school in, or currently live in the following nine counties: Juab, Sanpete, Sevier, Beaver, Carbon, Emery, Millard, Piute, and Wayne.
  • Meet character criteria as set forth by the Miss America Organization.
  • Be in good enough health to meet the job/title requirements.
  • Be able to meet the required time commitment and responsibilities as set forth by the Miss Heart of Utah Committee. 
  • Be willing to wear a swim suit as required for the Lifestyle and Fitness portion of the competition. 

All local contestants are required to sign an official contract prior to participating in The Miss Heart of Utah Pageant. It is available here.

Contestants must also submit a standardized resume and platform issue statement. Both of those, along with a sample of each, can be found here or you may look at the previous post for complete instructions.

Children's Miracle Network Donor Page:
All contestants must set up a CMN donor page at The minimum requirement for all local contestants is $100. If a contestant does not raise the qualifying amount, they are not eligible to compete. Each contestant can raise this money however they would like, They can pay it all themselves,  go door to door collecting change,, set up a fundraiser or ask one hundred friends for $1.  If any contestant needs help or has questions about the donor pages please ask.

Little Miss Program
Each contestant will need to bring a Little Miss to be part of our show. They will be in the production number and escort during evening wear. The fee is $25 and will include a ticket to the pageant and a t-shirt for each little miss. The contestant who wins will need a little Miss for the Miss Utah Pageant in June of 2017.

It should be easy to get a little girl to do this. They will need to wear any white party dress and white shoes for Evening Gown. They will wear the provided t-shirt for the opening number with any black bottoms. They will come to a rehearsal Saturday morning. They need to be at least 5 years old and no older than 10.
Please submit name of your little miss along with shirt size by email to and send in money when mailing in paperwork.

If you would like to become a contestant in The Miss Heart of Utah  Pageant, contact our director, Dani Hallows (801)360-3370 or email

Miss Heart of Utah 2016 Information:

Important Dates:

All paperwork, including photos and music, is due by August 31, 2016. This will be submitted by email.  

2016 local contestant contracts/paperwork are accessible here.

Paperwork should be delivered by email to

Local Contract should be signed and notarized and delivered to:

Dani Hallows
P.O. Box 3
Salina, UT 


by hand:
Dani Hallows
335 Honey Drive,
Salina, UT

*Local Contract can be submitted at the Dress Rehearsal as well on September 16. Please keep in mind if it is not turned in on that date- you will not compete in any area of competition. Also Children's Miracle Network (CMN) fundraiser of $100 minimum is due September 16 as well. Again- you will not compete if $100 is not raised for the Children's Miracle Network.

Friday, September 16, 2016
5:00 p.m. (BE ON TIME)
Sevier Valley Center
510 W. 100 S.
Richfield, UT 

Saturday, September 17, 2016
9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon

Sevier Valley Center

Little Miss Rehearsal:
Saturday, Septebmer 17, 2016
Sevier Valley Center

Contestant Interviews
Saturday, September 17, 2016
3:00 p.m.
Sevier Valley Center

Saturday, September 17, 2016
7:00 p.m.

Sevier Valley Center
510 W. 100 S.
Richfield, UT 

Seating is plentiful so family and friends are encouraged to come. Tickets are $8 and will be sold at the door that evening.

Please submit a photo, along with a short bio (be sure to include platform issue and talent information) by email to by August 31, 2016

Other Important Information About our 2016 Pageant:

For the Production number contestants will need a gown or cocktail dress in any color, style and length. Let your personality show. This needs to be in addition to competition wardrobe. Please don't go buy something for this as you are not judged for Production. Borrow from friends, wear a prom dress, etc.

The Production Number will be more like a parade of contestants with a few simple formation changes.

We will name a Miss Heart of Utah who will receive a $1,000 scholarship as well as entry fees and franchise fees to compete at Miss Utah.
Attendants will receive scholarships as well.
There will be a special talent award to the overall talent winner.

Paperwork to be submitted by email by August 31, 2016

Here is a checklist of what needs to be turned in by email  August 31, 2016. The email address is

- Resume Instructions are below as well as a sample
- Platform Statement Instructions are below as well as a sample
- Headshot 
-Contestant Biographical Sketch

*Hint- save the Resume and the Platform Statements as PDFs before emailing.

 National Contestant Resume Instructions
This is your opportunity to demonstrate to the national judges why they should consider you for the job of Miss America.  You may list as many or as few items under each category as you desire.  Your only restriction is that it must follow the established format and it must fit on one (1) page.  This page, combined with the Platform Statement, will comprise your entire application for this job.  The judges will receive exactly what is submitted.   Any item incorrectly submitted that does not fit the established criteria may be submitted to the judges without an opportunity to correct.

It is important that these instructions are followed, even when using the preformatted page included:

1.    Create a “New” document with your computer’s Word program.

2.     Set margins for 1" on all four sides.  The font style may not be any smaller than “10” and no larger than “12” point type, using the Times New Roman font style.  Please refer to the attached sample to verify you are following the requested format.

3.     With the justification set for left, type “Name:” in bold.  Following the colon (:), hit the space bar twice.  Then, type your name as you wish the judges to know it.  (If your name is LaCricia Deborah Smith and you want to be known as “Deborah Smith”, please type “Deborah Smith).

4.     Then, move to the next line and type “Title:” in bold.  Following the colon (:), hit the space bar twice.  Then, type your state title.   

5.      Then, move to the next line and type “Hometown:” in bold.  Following the colon (:), hit the space bar once.  Then, type your hometown including the city and the state. 

6.     Move to the next line.  Now set your justification to the right.  Type “Date of Birth:” in bold.  Hit the space bar two (2) times, and type the month, day, and year of your birth.  (Ex. October 10, 1989)

7.     Move Justification to the left.  Double space down and type “Education:” in bold.  Hit the tab bar three times and then type your most recent school first.  If it is grad school, indicate it as such.  List degree seeking (all on the same line as the name of the school), move to the line underneath that to list your undergraduate school and degree sought/achieved, and below that list your high school.

8.     Double space down.  Hit the tab bar once.  Type “Platform Issue:” in bold.  Hit the tab bar three times.  Type the TITLE of your platform, MAKE SURE IT LINES UP WITH THE INFORMATION ABOVE IT.  DO NOT TYPE ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE TITLE.

9.     Double space down.  Hit the tab bar once.  Type “Scholastic/Career Ambition:” in bold.  Hit the Tab bar once, MAKE SURE IT LINES UP WITH THE OTHERS ABOVE IT.  Then type the type of degree/education you would ultimately like to achieve and beneath that, list your career ambition.

10.   Double space down.  Hit the tab bar once.  Type “Talent:” in bold.  Hit the tab bar three times.  Type the type of talent and specific selection.   MAKE SURE IT LINES UP WITH THE INFORMATION ABOVE IT.  (i.e.  Pop Vocal - “Crying”, Tap Dance - “Staying Alive”, etc.)

11.  Double space down.  Type “Scholastic Honors:” in bold.  Hit the space bar twice.  Each item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).   

12.   Double space down.  Type “Leadership Roles:” in bold.  Hit the space bar twice.  Each item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).   

13.   Double space down.  Type “Accomplishments:” in bold.  Hit the space bar twice.  Each item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).

14.   Double space down.  Type “Interesting Facts:” in bold.  Hit the space bar twice.  Each item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).  

15.    Double space down.  Type “Employment:” in bold.  Hit the space bar twice.  Each item should be separated by a semi-colon (;).

16.   Double space down.  Type “How has the world you come from shaped your dreams and aspirations?” in bold.  Hit the space bar twice.  Please answer the question in sentence form.

17.   Double space down.  Type “Of all the ways you could succeed in your life, why have you chosen to succeed in the Miss America Competition?” in bold.  Hit the space bar twice.  Please answer the question in sentence form.

18.   Double Space down. Type “What social issue, other than your platform, will have the greatest impact on your generation and why?” in bold.  Hit the space bar twice.  Please answer the question in sentence form.

19.   Use your best judgment on what is most important for the judges to know about you.  Use the space wisely.  Attached is a resume example you can use as a guide.

20.    The entire form must fit on one (1) page using the Times New Roman font style.  You must leave a 1” margin on all four sides of the page.  If spacing issues arise, simply follow the example provided.

                                                                                                                                                                      Date of Birth:


Platform Issue:

Scholastic/Career Ambition:


Scholastic Honors:

Leadership Roles:


Interesting Facts:


How has the world you come from shaped your dreams and aspirations?

Of all the ways you could succeed in your life, why have you chosen to succeed in the Miss America Program?

What social issue, other than your platform, will have the greatest impact on your generation and why?

National Contestant Platform Statement Instructions

This is your opportunity to explain to the national judges what your chosen platform is and why it is important for the Miss America Organization to embrace this platform.  In addition, it should explain how your platform will further the Miss America Organization “brand” to the public. 

It is important that these instructions are followed, even when using the pre formatted page included.  Any items incorrectly submitted that do not meet the criteria may be submitted to the judges without an opportunity to correct.
1.  Go to the word processing program of your computer.

2.   Start a “new” document.

3.   Set margins for 1" on all four sides.  The font style may not be any smaller than “10” and no larger than “12” point type using the Times New Roman font style. 

4.  With the justification set for left, type “Name:” in bold.  Following the colon (:), hit the space bar twice.  Then, type your name. 

5.   Then, move to the next line and type “Title:” in bold.  Following the colon (:), hit the space bar twice.  Then, type your state title.

6.   Double space down.  Set your justification to “center”.  Then type in bold and underline the title of your Platform.

7.  Double space down.  Write what you feel is crit

ical for the judge’s to know about your platform and why it is necessary for you to have the job of Miss America to promote this issue.  What you write will be what the judges know about your platform, your role in successfully dealing with this issue, and the role the Miss America Organization may play in your plan.

8.  This essay may include some of the following items (this is not to be meant as an exhaustive list):
·    A clear definition of the platform and the specific issues you wish to address
·    A plan on how you have or will create awareness of the platform
·    The way in which you have or will change attitudes regarding the issue
·    The way in which you have or will change behaviors related to this issue
·    The way in which your platform issue will move the Miss America Organization forward
·    Your media plans
·    Your marketing strategy
·    How you propose to fund your ideas/plans
·    Any significant accomplishments you have made in regard to your issue

9.  At the bottom of the page, set the justification to the right.  Type a line of 26 spaces.  Below that line, type Signature/Date and after printing sign and date the document.  If you forget to sign and date, e will need to return the document to you as it cannot be accepted without your signature.  Thank you.

Biographical Sketch
The information submitted for this will be used by the emcees during the modeling
portions of the pageant.

Full Name:
High School:
College if applicable:
How you stay fit:
Career Ambition:
Hobbies and Interests:
Special Recognition and Awards:
Interesting Facts:
Parents Names:

2016 Miss Heart of Utah
Contestant Info

Miss Heart of Utah
Congratulations on your decision to participate in the Miss Heart of Utah Pageant.  We are excited and hope you share our enthusiasm as we begin our pageant experience together. We are a new pageant. This will be the second year. Miss Heart of Utah 2015 JessiKate Riley won second runner-up at Miss Utah 2016!!
The queen will represent the Heart of Utah area at events throughout nine counties as well as compete at the Miss Utah Pageant in June 2017.

Preparing for a pageant is a lot of hard work.  It is also a very big commitment.  However, if you are cooperative and willing to put forth your best efforts, the rewards are great.  Participating in this pageant will allow you to grow and learn about yourself. This experience will give you an opportunity to discover how unique you are and what great things you can accomplish. 

We would like to offer some advice as you prepare for this exciting experience.  First, be yourself – be your best you – second, with a positive attitude, the sky is the limit.

We encourage you to start preparing now!  Set goals and then work hard to achieve them.  Challenge yourself so that no matter what the outcome you will walk away from this experience a better person.  We hope this will be an enjoyable experience, and we are here to help you in any way.


The Miss Heart of Utah Committee   

Miss Heart of Utah Pageant
Role of Miss Heart of Utah

The role of Miss Heart of Utah:

« Serve her community
« Attend at least 5 events held in the Heart of Utah
« Be a spokesperson and a good community example
« Develop a talent and perform when called on by the pageant or the community
« Speak at engagements approved by the director in the Heart of Utah
« Represent the community by riding on the city float in parades, helping with city celebrations and ribbon cuttings
« Prepare to compete in the Miss Utah Pageant
« Participate In the following year’s Miss Heart of Utah Pageant

Who should be Miss Heart of Utah?

« Miss Heart of Utah should be an example.She should be deeply involved in her community through service
« Miss Heart of Utah should be cooperative and willing to work
« Miss Heart of Utah should be an Ambassador of Good Will; she should be kind, knowledgeable, intelligent, and talented
« Miss Heart of Utah should have a desire to become Miss Utah.

Talent – Artistic Expression
30% of total score

Time limit     

The time limit for the talent presentation is 90 seconds.  Judges have the right to disqualify any contestant not adhering to this limitation.

Talent Performance

If the contestant is a singer, she must perform live.  She will not be judged on any material that is pre-recorded.

Double Talent Performance

If a contestant wishes to perform a double talent, such as singing and dancing, or singing and playing the piano, she must do both live on stage.  She will only receive points for what is performed live.  For example, if a contestant danced to a pre-recorded tape of herself singing, she would only be judged on dancing.

Talent Duplication Prohibition

Talent choices are determined on a first come first serve basis.  The first contestant to submit her talent choice will be given preference.

Pre-recorded Accompaniment

A contestant may pre-record herself as a back-up vocalist or instrumental accompanist, and use that tape to accompany her live talent performance.  However, it cannot be announced to the judges that the accompaniment contains any performance by the contestant.  She will be judged only on what she performs live.  No exceptions!

Accompaniment Music

No live accompaniment allowed.  All talents will use backup tapes or no accompaniment at all.

Prohibition of elaborate sets

A chair or stool is permitted on stage.  No special effects such as fog, smoke, etc. will be permitted.

Private Interview
25% of total score

Each contestant will have a private interview with the judges.  You can guide them in certain areas of interest by what you put on your fact sheet.

Wardrobe for this interview is business attire (suit, dress or pant suit). Subtle jewelry only.  Make-up should be natural and attractive.  Judges will only be a short distance away.

 The interview lasts 9 minutes and 30 seconds.  At the end of that timeframe, a final question of “Is there anything we have not asked you that you would like to comment on or clarify?” will be asked.  This segment allows for issues that may not have been discussed.

Be yourself, show your personality and have fun.  The judges are there to get to know you.  Let them know your knowledge and opinions.  Avoid rambling or repeating yourself.  If you do not know an answer, do not make one up.

Practice using a well modulated voice.  Use a video camera or tape recorder to practice.  Develop a larger vocabulary.  Replace slang with words that are mature and specific to your feelings.  Learn to express your own ideas.  Interview with your family, friends and others … this will help you to develop skills that will prepare you for the interview and last a lifetime.

This interview is not a test to see if you know everything. It is a conversation.  It is very important that you have the ability to converse with the judges.  They will be listening to your answers, but they will also be observing your mental awareness, vocabulary, voice, personal knowledge, personal appearance and personality.

Become aware of community, state, nation and world events.  Watch the news, read the newspaper and view the internet.  The only way to form an opinion is to have the facts gleaned from educating yourself.  Know who you are. 

Remember you are interviewing for a unique job.  This is an opportunity for the judges to learn as much as possible about you, your qualities, and attributes to represent the community as Miss Heart of Utah.

On Stage Interview
20% of total score

You will be asked two questions on stage. One relating to your platform and the other will be a general interview style questions.  This will help the audience get to know you, and will help remind the judges of your interview. 

Lifestyle and Fitness
10% of total score

Your overall feeling and look of health and fitness reflects in everything you do.  The judges are looking for muscle tone, total health, fitness, energy, posture, and self confidence.  Tone your body with proper exercise and eating habits.  Do not resort to foolish measures and remember a smile goes a long way. 
*At Miss Heart of Utah we are requiring one piece swimsuits*

Nylons and the use of any types of oil are prohibited.  Shoes will be worn for this portion of the competition. 

If a young woman can enhance her appearance, within the confines of good taste, she may do so.  Do not permit anyone to question the addition of padding to your swimsuit or dress.   

Evening Wear
15% of total score

This area of competition is to make an on stage statement about your personality while showing YOUR ability to project beauty beyond the stage lights.

Choose something that is “you” and that you would wear to a formal occasion. 

The type of fashion permitted for competition: ‘after five’ formal of any length (Maximum of 4 inches above the knee), evening pants or cocktail dresses. 

Good Luck!!
Thank you for committing the time to yourself, your community and the pride of the Miss Heart of Utah program.  You’re proving yourself as a role model by taking the initiative to compete on a personal and professional level.  Good Luck.